Inspection Facilities
The Platinum FaroArm’s 0.0125mm accuracy renders traditional CMMs, hand tools and other portable cmms obsolete. Anyone at Mogul, anywhere in the shop can now inspect, reverse engineer or perform CAD-to-Part-analysis on parts, fixtures and assemblies with previously unheard of precision. When you partner that accuracy with its adaptable 3D measurement technology and customized zero-training Soft-Tools (with or without CAD) it is the perfect measuring solution.
With little time to inspect finished goods fully by conventional means, the FaroArm allows full inspection by use of pre-written templates to give fully detailed inspection reports in a fraction of time required by conventional inspection techniques.
2 Faro Arms – Quantum & Prime
20 Years in the Making - the Ultimate Portable CMM with 0.0125mm Accuracy.
The FaroArm’s 0.0125mm accuracy renders traditional CMMs, hand tools and other portable CMM’s obsolete. Anyone at Mogul, anywhere in the shop can now inspect, reverse engineer or perform CAD-to-Part-analysis on parts, fixtures and assemblies with previously unheard of precision. When you partner that accuracy with its adaptable 3D measurement technology and customized zero-training Soft-Tools (with or without CAD) it is the perfect measuring solution.
With little time to inspect finished goods fully by conventional means, the FaroArm allows full inspection by use of pre-written templates to give fully detailed inspection reports in a fraction of time required by conventional inspection techniques.
Height Vernier
Micro-vertex digital height vernier incorporating built in printer
Profile Inspection
2D facility and software package for profile inspection