C.N.C Vertical Turning Centres
Below are a detail rundown of the C.N.C vertical turning Centres we used at Mogul Engineers Ltd. If you have any questions or require further details, please Contact us directly...
Pietro Carnighi AC12 Vertical Turning Centre
1750mm swing - 1500mm Under Ram
3 Pallet system
Component Load / Unload Station
Magazine for 'Turning Heads' and for '50 INT' Live Tooling
1st Renishaw Probe for Calibrating Tooling on every Toolchange
2nd Ranishaw Probe for Inspection
Seperate Telemecanique NUM 1060 3 Axis and 5 Axis controls
OMBA Ram 90 CNC Vertical Turning
1150mm swing
600mm Ram travel
Fanuc 0iTD CNC Control
16 pocket automatic toolchanger